US Wind Turbines
Animated map (gganimate package)
Notable topics: Animated map (gganimate package)
Recorded on: 2018-11-05
Timestamps by: Alex Cookson
Using count function to explore categorical variables
Creating a quick-and-dirty map using geom_point function and latitude and longitude data
Explaining need for mapproj package when plotting maps in ggplot2
Using borders function to add US state borders to map
Using fct_lump to get the top 6 project categories and put the rest in a lumped "Other" category
Changing data so that certain categories' points appear in front of other categories' points on the map
Taking the centroid (average longitude and latitude) of points across a geographic area as a way to aggregate categories to one point
Using ifelse function to clean missing data that is coded as "-9999"
Asking, "How has turbine capacity changed over time?"
Exploring different models of wind turbines
Using mutate_if function to find NA values (coded as -9999) in multiple columns and replace them with an actual NA
Reviewing documentation for gganimate package
Attempting to set up gganimate map
Understanding gganimate package using a "Hello World" / toy example, then trying to debug turbine animation
Using is.infinite function to get rid of troublesome Inf values
Quick hack for getting cumulative data from a table using crossing function (though it does end up with some duplication)
Diagnosis of gganimate issue (points between integer years are being interpolated)
Pseudo-successful gganimate map (cumulative points show up, but some points are missing)
Summary of screencast