Thanksgiving Dinner
Survey data, Network graphing
Notable topics: Survey data, Network graphing
Recorded on: 2018-11-20
Timestamps by: Alex Cookson
Exploratory bar chart of age distribution (and gender) of survey respondents
Using count function on multiple columns to get detailed counts
Parsing numbers from text using parse_number function, then using those numbers to re-level an ordinal factor (income bands)
Exploring relationship between income and using homemade (vs. canned) cranberry sauce
Adding group = 1 argument to the aes function to properly display a line chart
Rotating text for axis labels that overlap
Getting confidence intervals for proportions using Jeffreys interval (using beta distribution with an uniformative prior)
Explanation of Clopper-Pearson approach as alternative to Jeffreys interval
Using geom_ribbon function add shaded region to line chart that shows confidence intervals
Using starts_with function to select fields with names that start with a certain string (e.g., using "pie" selects "pie1" and "pie2")
Using gather function to get wide-format data to tidy (tall) format
Using str_remove and regex to remove digits from field values (e.g., "dessert1" and "dessert2" get turned into "dessert")
"What are people eating?" Graphing pies, sides, and desserts
Using fct_reorder function to reorder foods based on how popular they are
Using n_distinct function count the number of unique respondents
Using facet_wrap function to facet food types into their own graphs
Using parse_number function to convert age ranges as character string into a numeric field
Exploring relationship between US region and food types
Using group_by, then mutate, then count to calculate a complicated summary
Exploring relationship between praying at Thanksgiving (yes/no) and food types
Empirical Bayes binomial estimation for calculating binomial confidence intervals (see Dave's book on Empirical Bayes)
Asking, "What sides/desserts/pies are eaten together?"
Calculating pairwise correlation of food types
Network graph of pairwise correlation
Adding text labels to nodes using geom_node_text function
Getting rid of unnecessary graph elements (e.g., axes, gridlines) with theme_void function
Explanation of network graph relationships
Adding dimension to network graph (node colour) to represent the type of food
Fixing overlapping text labels using the geom_node_text function's repel argument
Tweaking display of percentage legend to be in more readable format (e.g., "40%" instead of "0.4")
Summary of screencast