Student-Teacher Ratios
WDI package (World Development Indicators)
Notable topics: WDI package (World Development Indicators)
Recorded on: 2019-05-09
Timestamps by: Alex Cookson
Using slice function to select 10 highest and 10 lowest student-teacher ratios (like a filter using row numbers)
Adding GDP per capita to a dataset using WDI package
Using geom_text to add labels to points on a scatterplot
Using WDIsearch function from WDI package to search for country population data
Explanation of trick with geom_text function's check_overlap argument to get label for US to appear by rearranging row order
Using comma_format function from scales format to get more readable numeric legend (e.g., "500,000,000" instead of "5e+08")
Exploring different education-related indicators in the WDI package
Using spread function (now pivot_wider) to turn data from tidy to wide format
Using to_snake_case function from snakecase package to conver field names to snake_case
Exploring female/male school secondary school enrollment
Note of caution on keeping confounders in mind when interpreting scatterplots
Creating a linear regression of secondary school enrollment to explore confounders
Discussing the actual confounder (GDP per capita) in the linear regression above
Adding world region as another potential confounder
Using aov function (ANOVA) to explore confounders further
Reviewing and interpreting the final linear regression model
Using cor function (correlation) to get correlation matrix for three variables (and brief explanation of multi-collinearity)
Summary of screencast