Plastic Waste
Map visualization (especially choropleth)
Notable topics: Map visualization (especially choropleth)
Recorded on: 2019-05-26
Timestamps by: Alex Cookson
Using summarise_all to get proportion of NA values across many variables
Adding text labels to scatter plot for some points using check_overlap argument
Using pmin function to get the lower of two possible numbers for a percentage variable that was showing > 100%
Starting to make a choropleth map
Connecting ISO country names (used in mapping code) to country names given in the dataset
Actual code to create the map using given longitude and latitude
Using fuzzyjoin package to link variables that use regular expression instead of character (using regex_right_join / regex_left_join function)
Using coord_fixed function as a hack to get proper ratios for maps
Bringing in additional data using WDI package
Using patchwork package to show multiple graphs in the same plot
Importing and rename multiple indicators from the WDI package at the same time