NYC Squirrel Census
Map visualization (ggmap package)
Notable topics: Map visualization (ggmap package)
Recorded on: 2019-10-31
Timestamps by: Alex Cookson
Starter EDA of latitude and longitude using geom_point
Aggregating squirrel counts by hectare to get a "binned" map
Investigating colour notes
Asking question, "Are there areas of the parks where we see certain-coloured squirrels
Plotting latitude and percentage of gray squirrels to answer, "Do we get a lower proportion of gray squirrels as we go farther north?"
Using logistic regression to test gray squirrel (proportion as we go farther north)
Noting that he could have used original data sets as input for logistic regression function
"Does a squirrel run away?" based on location in the park (latitude), using logistic regression
Using summarise_at function to apply same function to multiple variables
Loading ggmap package
Start using ggmap, with the get_map function
Decision to not set up Google API key to use ggmap properly
Using the sf package to read in a shapefile of Central Park
Using read_sf function from sf package to import a shapefile into R
Using geom_sf function from sf package to visualise the imported shapefile
Combining shapefile "background" with relevant squirrel data in one plot
Visualising pathways (footpaths, bicycle paths) in the shapefile
Finishing visualisation and moving on to analysing activity types
Selecting fields based on whether they end with "ing", then gathering those fields into tidy format
Decision to create a Shiny visualisation
Setting Shiny app settings (e.g., slider for minimum number of squirrels)
Setting up Shiny app options / variables
Explanation of why setting up options in Shiny app the way he did
Solving error "Discrete value supplied to continuous scale"
First draft of Shiny app
Creating a dynamic midpoint for the two-gradient scale in the app
Adding additional variables of more behaviours to Shiny app (kuks, moans, runs from, etc.)
"What are the distributions of some of these [behaviours]?"
Adding ground location (above ground, ground plane) to Shiny app
Summary of screencast