Ninja Warrior
Log-odds with tidylo
package, Graphing with ggplot2
Notable topics: Log-odds with tidylo
package, Graphing with ggplot2
Recorded on: 2020-12-14
Timestamps by: Alex Cookson
Inspecting the dataset
Using geom_histogram
to look at distribution of obstacles in a stage
Using str_remove
function to clean stage names (remove "(Regional/City)")
Asking, "Are there obstacles that are more common in the Finals than Qualifying rounds?"
Using bind_log_odds
function from tidylo
package to calculate log-odds of obstacles within a stage type
Using unite
function to combine two columns
Graphing the average position of different obstacles with many, many tweaks to make it look nice
Creating a stacked bar plot of which obstacles appear in which order
Turning stacked bar plot visualization into a custom function
Asking, "Is there data on how difficult an obstacle is?"
Visualizing which obstacles appear in different seasons with geom_tile
and a lot of tweaking
Reviewing the result of the previous step (obstacles in different seasons)
Summary of screencast