Media Franchise Revenue
Data manipulation (especially re-ordering factors)
Notable topics: Data manipulation (especially re-ordering factors)
Recorded on: 2019-06-21
Timestamps by: Alex Cookson
Explaining use of semi_join function to aggregate and filter groups
Putting the largest categories on the bottom of a stacked bar chart
Using glue function as alternative to paste for combining text, plus good explanation of it
Multiple re-ordering using fct_reorder function of facetted graph (he works through several obstacles)
Re-ordering the position of facetted graphs so that highest total revenue is at top left
Investigating relationship between year created and revenue
Creating scatter plot with points scaled by size and labelled points (geom_text function)
Summary of screencast up to this point
Starting analysis original media of franchise (e.g., novel, video game, animated film) and revenue type (e.g., box office, merchandise)
Graphing original media and revenue category as facetted bar plot with lots of reordering (ends at around 38:40)
Alternative visualization of original media/revenue category using heat map
Using scale_fill_gradient2 function to specify custom colour scale
Getting rid of gridlines in graph using theme function's panel.grid argument
Using fct_rev function to reverse levels of factors
Fixing overlapping axis text with tweaks to theme function's axis.text argument
Reviewing visualization that inspired this dataset
Adding text of total revenue to the end of each bar in a previous graph
Using paste0 function at add a "B" (for "billions") to the end of text labels on graph
Using expand_limits functions to give more space for text labels not to get cut off
Summary of screencast