Kenya Census
Heatmap, Joining Datasets, ShapeFile, Choropleth Map, rKenyaCensus
Notable topics: Heatmap, Joining Datasets, ShapeFile, Choropleth Map, rKenyaCensus
Recorded on: 2021-01-18
Timestamps by: Eric Fletcher
Trim whitespace from a string.
Reorder factor levels by sorting along another variable by sum.
Label x axis numbers in decimal format (e.g. 0.12, 1,234).
Pivot data from wide to long.
Convert case of a string to title case.
Add text labels to the geom_point
Add horizontal reference line to geom_point
Label y axis numbers in percent format.
Expand the plot axis limits by having the y axis begin at 0.
Position x axis data on a log10 scale.
Pivot data from wide to long.
Convert case of a string to title case.
Reorder factor levels by sorting along another variable by sum.
Create a heatmap.
Complete a data frame with missing combinations of data.
Rotate x axis labels 90 degrees.
Join two datasets while including all rows in x or y.
Replace matched patterns in a string using str_replace_all
with the regular expression
and "\\1 \\2"
to separate words that were joined together (e.g. TanaRiver, Tana River).
Join two datasets while returning all rows from x without a match in y.
Join two datasets while including all rows in y.
Join two datasets while including all rows in x and y.
Import and basic exploration of the rKenyaCensus
package shapefiles.
Create a map using the rKenyaCensus
shapefile data.
Simplify the shapefile data to make for faster processesing.
Join two datasets while including all rows in x.
Create a choropleth map - TROUBLSHOOTING through 41:45.
Create a flexible function that generates geom_col
plots used for for exploring the many different datasets in the rKenyaCensus
Lump together factor levels into "other".
Summary of screencast.