French Train Delays
Heat map
Notable topics: Heat map
Recorded on: 2019-02-25
Timestamps by: Alex Cookson
Boxplots of departure stations using fct_lump function
Creating heat map of departure and arrival delays, then cleaning up a sparse heat map
Using fct_reorder function and length function to reorder stations based on how frequently they appear
Using fct_infreq to reorder based on infrequently-appearing stations (same as above, but without a trick needed)
Using fct_lump function to lump based on proportion instead of number of top categories desired
Using scale_fill_gradient2 function to specify diverging colour scale
Checking another person's take on the data, which is a heatmap over time
Converting year and month (as digits) into date-class variable using sprintf function and padding month number with extra zero when necessary
Using summarise_at function to quickly sum multiple columns
Creating heatmap using geom_tile function for percentage of late trains by station over time
Using fill function to fill in missing NA values with data from previous observations
Grouping multiple variables into a single category using paste0 function
Grouping heatmap into International / National chunks with a weird hack
Further separating International / National visually
Less hacky way of separating International / National (compared to previous two rows)